CHANGELOG ========= 3.0 (..........) ---------------- - Undeprecate ``image_bytes`` - **BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE:** ``display_image_bytes`` now displays the image to the terminal. Use ``image_bytes`` to get the bytes string to display. - **BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE:** ``image_bytes`` now returns a bytes string in Python 3. To write this to stdout, use ``sys.stdout.buffer.write``, or use ``display_image_bytes`` on the image. - Add ``width``, ``height``, and ``preserve_aspect_ratio`` keyword arguments to the image display functions. See - Fix IPython shell integration with the latest version of IPython (thanks @Carreau). - Remove Python 3.3 support - Add Python 3.6 support - Docs moved from readthedocs to 2.3 (2016-07-18) ---------------- - Fix file name and size info for the image display. - API break: the file name format string in ``IMAGE_CODE`` is now ``{name}`` (was previously ``{file}``. - Flush stdout in before_output and before_prompt. This fixes the command timing feature in the IPython integration. - NOTE: The IPython shell integration in this version (and previous versions) does not work with IPython 5.0. 2.2 (2015-08-24) ---------------- - Rename image_bytes to display_image_bytes (image_bytes has been kept for backwards compatibility for now). - Add readline_invisible() to shell_integration. - Add iterm2_tools.ipython IPython extension to enable shell integration in IPython. - Enable Travis CI tests. - Add Sphinx documentation hosted at 2.1 (2015-08-06) ---------------- - Add context managers to shell_integration. - Add an example REPL showing how to use the shell integration. 2.0 (2015-08-06) ---------------- - Add iterm2_tools.shell_integration, with some functions for working with iTerm2's shell integration. Breaking changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Remove ``iterm2_`` from ``iterm2_tools.images`` function names. 1.0 (2015-08-04) ---------------- - First release - Add iterm2_tools.images with tools for displaying images in iTerm2. Copied from catimg.iterm2.