

Functions for displaying images inline in iTerm2.


iterm2_tools.images.display_image_bytes(b, filename=None, inline=1, width='auto', height='auto', preserve_aspect_ratio=None)[source]

Display the image given by the bytes b in the terminal.

If filename=None the filename defaults to “Unnamed file”.

width and height are strings, following the format

N: N character cells.

Npx: N pixels.

N%: N percent of the session’s width or height.

‘auto’: The image’s inherent size will be used to determine an appropriate

preserve_aspect_ratio sets whether the aspect ratio of the image is preserved. The default (None) is True unless both width and height are set.


iterm2_tools.images.display_image_file(fn, width='auto', height='auto', preserve_aspect_ratio=None)[source]

Display an image in the terminal.

A newline is not printed.

width and height are strings, following the format

N: N character cells.

Npx: N pixels.

N%: N percent of the session’s width or height.

‘auto’: The image’s inherent size will be used to determine an appropriate

preserve_aspect_ratio sets whether the aspect ratio of the image is preserved. The default (None) is True unless both width and height are set.


iterm2_tools.images.image_bytes(b, filename=None, inline=1, width='auto', height='auto', preserve_aspect_ratio=None)[source]

Return a bytes string that displays image given by bytes b in the terminal

If filename=None, the filename defaults to “Unnamed file”

width and height are strings, following the format

N: N character cells.

Npx: N pixels.

N%: N percent of the session’s width or height.

‘auto’: The image’s inherent size will be used to determine an appropriate

preserve_aspect_ratio sets whether the aspect ratio of the image is preserved. The default (None) is True unless both width and height are set.


Shell sequences

images.IMAGE_CODE = '\x1b]1337;File=name={name};inline={inline};size={size};width={width};height={height};preserveAspectRatio={preserve_aspect_ratio}:{base64_img}\x07'